Exam prep instructions

Canadian Journal Of Medical Sonography - Employee Publication: Cathy Ridsdale

Skewed Research In Mammography Trial

Breast Imaging - Patient Booklet

Update Pediatric Services at Terra Losa Clinic and Century Park Clinics

Breast Implant MRI Brochure

Pain Management Brochure - 2020

The Rounds Part 4 – Is thermography an appropriate screening modality?

The Rounds Part 3 – What’s new and why does it matter?

The Rounds Part 2 - Breast density, Risk Assessment and Personalized Screening. How to unravel the recommendations.

The Rounds Part 1 - Breast screening. Whom to screen, why to screen and what to offer.

Dense Breast Brochure - Jul 31

CAR/CSBI Position Statement on Mammographic Breast Density and Supplemental Screening

Mastalgia – Breast Pain brochure

MRI CT Booklet - June 2018

MIC Connects - Advanced 3T MRI Technology

MIC Connects - New Breast Cancer Screening Protocol for Dense Breasts

Osteoporosis 2014 - New standards for BMD reporting diagnostic categories

Osteoporosis 2014 - New standards for BMD reporting fracture risk determination

CAR Technical Standards for Bone Mineral Densitometry Reporting - 2013 Standards (CARJ)