For over a decade, MIC radiologist Dr. Greg Raymond has volunteered with the Africa Mercy Ship floating hospital. Working in his Edmonton office, he reviews imaging scans for patients who are on board the ship, off the coast of Africa. CTV Edmonton recently profiled Dr. Raymond’s work with Africa Mercy. Watch the newsclip here.
Inspired by Dr. Raymond’s humanitarian work, MIC Medical Imaging joined his efforts and now reports all imaging performed on the Africa Mercy—the largest hospital in the Mercy Ship fleet and the only one with a CT scanner. The ship’s medical teams use MIC analysis and diagnostic expertise to change lives, treating patients with challenging and complex conditions. Work is underway to build a second large hospital ship and when it is complete, MIC will report for this ship as well.
MIC’s radiologists devote countless hours to viewing, analyzing and reporting the images created on the Africa Mercy. “We have reported many thousands of cases, and many of them are very complex, difficult CT examinations. We often use these cases to teach at the medical school and to educate our residents,” says Dr. Raymond. “We provide the Africa Mercy team with advice on CT protocols, the use of contrast, and we have just started reporting on ultrasounds for them as well.”
Helping the Africa Mercy is truly a team effort. Twelve MIC radiologists volunteer on a regular basis, sharing their specialized expertise in areas such as pediatric and neuroradiology CT scans. Other MIC radiologists pitch in on complex cases and all MIC radiologists take a turn at reporting x-ray films from the Mercy Ship. In addition, MIC’s IT experts have been instrumental in making the RIS PACS connection workable, ensuring images generated in Africa can be viewed in high resolution in MIC’s radiologist reporting suites. The front desk staff at Century Park CT/MRI loads every case and notifies the radiologists when there are cases to be reported.

“We are the only radiology group reporting for Mercy Ships and our commitment is unique,” adds Dr. Raymond. “MIC’s radiologists and staff are truly moved by the dedication and sacrifice of the physicians, nurses and technologists serving on the Mercy Ships in Africa, some of them spending their entire working careers on the ship, even raising their families on board. It is our privilege and honour to help these teams treat patients in some of the most impoverished parts of the world.”
Dr. Raymond has been with MIC Medical Imaging for over 20 years and concludes, “I am proud to be part of an organization that is so dedicated to the well-being of patients and humanitarian causes, including those in dire need in Africa.
Mercy Ships is an international humanitarian organization committed to providing free quality health care for those who cannot afford it. To learn more, visit mercyships.ca